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Cloud Tethering allows us to Control loads and Inverters based on a
Wi-Fi signal rather than a CT reading. 

Control loads anywhere based on conditions somewhere...

Why use Cloud Tethering?
Do you have a property with multiple loads spread out across your property?
Do you have multiple phases at your property?
Do you have multiple phases at your property?

Is the inverter installed nowhere near the meter point?

An example of this would be a farming property with one large array and multiple dwellings. Under this scenario each property could be kilometers apart, on the one NMI and have private Wi-Fi connections. 

With Cloud Tethering and multiple CATCH Power Solar Relay's we can control each properties individual hot water system or pumps to a feeder tank. 

There are less extreme applications under this scenario, it could be a Pool Heater on a sub board. Or a solar system on a shed and loads at the home that need to be controlled that under normal circumstances we would not have been.

CATCH Solar Relay can now also be used as the energy meter for installations where the inverter is not installed near the metering point.


How does Cloud Tethering Work

When you connect a CATCH Solar Relay to the internet, all of its power readings are sent to our cloud platform. We call the cloud platform EDDEWORLD.
Normally the CATCH Solar Relay relies on measurements from its CT’s to perform its load control and inverter control functions.
If you tell a CATCH Solar Relay to become Cloud Tethered, the relay stops using its CT’s and uses measurement data received from our EDDEWORLD Cloud platform.

We can hear you asking about Wi-Fi signal and strength already! 
and don't worry, we have you sorted. Each individual Relay can be set up on a different Wi-Fi network. If you have multiple properties on a homestead for example one Relay could be on a Telstra network and the second Relay with Optus and they will both report up to the cloud.
This won't be the case for everyone and sometimes a Wi-Fi extender is all you need. We have had positive experiences with Ubiquiti extenders, they can broadcast up to 5 kM's and can be found here. 
Our Installers are also reporting great success with these extenders that broadcast a Wi-Fi signal over power lines. Installing an additional power point in the meter box and plugging in the secondary device there. 

Cloud Tethering is now here for Inverter Control 

CATCH Power are working hard to make installing solar easier for the installer and more rewarding for the system owner.  Never has self-consumption of solar been easier to set up and utilise.  The industry technology and design demands from regulators are changing quickly, plus pricing pressure is at an all-time high.  CATCH Power are designing solutions to these challenges every day.

CATCH Power are very excited to announce the addition of Inverter Control via Cloud Tethering technology, to CATCH Solar Relay.  This is utilising the functions required of a smart meter (export limit and consumption data) can now be performed over the internet!  This is the ideal solution where the solar inverter and the metering point are some distance apart, often tens of meters.


This has previously been resolved by digging a trench to run cable or transmitting the RS485 signal via broadcasted comms.  Now all you need is 2x CATCH Solar Relays (one at either end), and connection to the internet, and the work has been done.


This functionality is in addition to our existing ability to control loads via Cloud Tethering.  The control of a load can be based on the solar position at any remote location, but most likely elsewhere on the same electrical network.


At this stage, Cloud Tethered Inverter Control is only available for single-phase inverters.  This technology will transfer over to our three-phase device, due out in 3-6 months.  The current technology is a perfect smart meter solution for split-phase sites where a single-phase inverter is being used.

Watch for more announcements from CATCH Power soon as we add more and more functionality to the product range.

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