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Single Phase Hot water diverter. 
Although Gen2 does not have an internet connection  it has built in algorithums to ensure you always have your water heated at the cheapest rate possible. Simply use the touch pad to choose your prefered method of heating.

Solar Only - opt for your water to be heated purely from your excess solar - perfect for the warmer months or an oversized solar array. 

Boost 2.5hrs Allow for 2.5hrs of off peak to come in to help  boost your hotwater overnight 

Boost 5 hrs - Possibly the best feature of Green Gen2 When you choose the boost 5 hrs, on the first night the offpeak will come in for 5 hours. If your hot water reaches cut off temp before midday the designated allowance will reduce by 12.5% each night until it finds the perfect setting for your families needs. If the hot water system misses cut off that day due to cloudy weather or extra use then next time off peak is available it will heat until cut off temp is reached.

Boost Now. This is a great added protection when you may have extra visitors over the holiday period and your hotwater usage is higher than normal, Simply hit this button to signal your system to heat until cut off is reached. 




 it is the perfect fit for most homes. 
This unit has a touch pad for easy usability.

CATCH Power Green Gen2

SKU: 0001
  • Catch Power Gen2 is the perfect add on to any solar system with Electric Hot Water.
    Gen2 Allows you to heat your hotwater from your excess solar. Increase solar savings and ROI's saving you hundreds every year.
    * 5 Year warranty when you register your device online. 
    * All our products are to be fitted by a licenced electrician. 
    * You can download the installation manual here... 
    * All products sold within Australia include free P & H 
    * All products made and manufactured in Australia

  • All our products have to pass through stringent testing before leaving our warehouse. If in the event that you receive a faulty unit please contact us immediately and we can arrange a replacement. 

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